We are looking for hospitality staff!

Looking for a fun side job in the center of Amsterdam? Would you like to work as on-call waitress on beautiful ships in the canals? Then come work at Rederij Belle!
Spring is coming… The sweet life begins again

Spring is coming… The sweet life begins again Say goodbye to winter, because March will be a real spring month! Due to a large number of high pressure areas, we get many sunny days with high temperatures and little rain. The time to go on a boating trip with friends, family or colleagues! Spring on […]
We are sailing again!

It is again possible to book a boating trip!So get out there with your friends, family or colleagues. Whether you choose a luxury saloon boat on Amsterdam’s canals and the IJ or for an impressive steamship or sailing ship on the Markermeer; we would love to welcome you back aboard! Featured: an outdoor sporting event Together with the […]
Finally dining with us on board again!

Finally dining with us on board again! Finally! As of June 5, new relaxations are in effect that will allow you to have extended lunch, drinks and dinner with us as well. So come soon enjoy each other’s company and a culinary taste sensation during a beautiful cruise through Amsterdam, on the Amstel or the Vecht. We look forward to […]
About Champagne, lights, get-togethers and festive ways to ring out this year

Surely the December month on board is the most fun. The combination of the festively decorated city, festively decorated people and festive food and drink makes everything just a little more… well… festive. The ideal setting as far as we are concerned to say goodbye to this year and toast to a positive, sparkling new […]
Shipping Belle journal January 2021

Just hang in there! We are almost allowed again, the new year is off to a good start. The first prick has been taken and with it we are back to normal. Are you looking forward to it too? See everyone again and socialize with each other over drinks, dinner, or nice active sailing together ? Make plans in […]
We need your help!

On this sunny day, a slightly different message than you are used to from us. No fancy ship talk this time, but a request for help What is going on? The City of Amsterdam has come up with a new policy. As a result, all existing canal permits will eventually be terminated. This will be […]
Happy holidays!

We would like to thank you for your support this past year and wish you happy holidays and a happy 2021! Already planning your event for 2021? Whether you opt for a salon boat on the Vecht or in Amsterdam, or rather prefer the open water of the Markermeer, sailing or motoring, Rederij Belle arranges it […]
Shipping Belle journal September 2020

After nearly six months of appropriate distance, it is high time for appropriate coming together. You have richly deserved that. It was grueling, the past six months, no doubt about that. Sitting at home, keeping distance, uniting the unpleasant with the useful. You will probably find, too, that you have earned a reward. Then you’ve […]
Highly recommended: going out in corona time

Speaking is a member of the Old Members Club of Lighthouse Netherlands. “It was enjoyable to sail the Stichtse Vecht with Rederij Belle in the fully restored salon boat ‘Adeline’. The explanation of the historic boat and the route sailed was excellent and completed the afternoon. A particularly successful outing in corona time, which we […]