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Don’t forget. Booking your Sail boat now that the offer has expanded.

Seems far away but is closer than you suspect: Sail Amsterdam. From August 12 to 16, 2020, hundreds of boats will moor at the docks of the IJ River. From all corners of the earth, they set the conserved course for our capital city. They are the very finest sailing ships of the world heritage, some more beautiful than others. Without exception worth seeing up close, but up close, from the water.

Preferably over a glass or a snack? Rederij Belle has once again succeeded in putting together wonderful packages. From appealingly simple to burgundy tasty. Bookings for our tours are already starting to come in. So, if you want good advice: let us show up to discuss your options with you.

If you sail with Rederij Belle , you will be welcomed at the famous museum shipyard ‘t Kromhout. Worth a visit in itself, but also a unique starting point, because close to the festive spot on the IJ where the party takes place.

Smart tip: book the Sail-In parade on Aug. 12, as always a spectacular, 8-kilometer journey from IJmuiden to Amsterdam with many thousands of other enthusiastic Sail-goers. Please note that there are a limited number of seats available during the Sail-In.

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